The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has openly expressed, once again, his admiration for Ernesto “Ché” Guevara.
Yesterday May 11, 2020, in his morning lecture, AMLO got even more radical. He evaded an apology to the Mexican doctors. Yet he praised two foreigners who were communists and murderers: Ernesto “Che” Guevara, a guerrilla fighter, and Salvador Allende, the Chilenean dictator, who’s regime, by the way, bears many similarities to the current government of López, and was deposed by a coup d ‘état in 1973.
The Mexican president, at the same conference, asked: “Why do we want more things? More shoes? If you already have clothes and shoes, why more? Why a luxury car if a modest one is enough? And he finished: -The opposite is “frowned upon.”

On many occasions, AMLO has expressed his admiration for Guevara. We remember, in particular, the one with Univision journalist Jorge Ramos in May 2017. “We have a son named Jesús Ernesto. The first one because of Jesus Christ and the second because of Ernesto Che Guevara. I am a Christian, and I believe in the thought and the work of Jesus because he fights for the poor, that is why the power of his time crucified him. And Che is an exemplary revolutionary who offered his life for his ideas,” López Obrador explained.
But who was “Che” Guevara besides being the favorite face of “couch socialists? We find his face on T-shirts, thanks to Korda’s photograph. That mystical and revered beloved figure of the social fighters with iPhone, Starbucks coffee, and other capitalist comforts. To begin with, a coward, a murderer, a resentful man, and a very small human being.
His full name was Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna. He was born in Rosario, Argentina, province of Santa Fe, on June 14, 1928, and his original nickname was “el Chancho,” which means pig, a nickname imposed by his friends because of his almost non-existent interest in personal hygiene. He was the eldest of five children of Ernesto Guevara Lynch and Celia de la Serna, both belonging to families of the Argentinean aristocracy. His great-grandfather, Patricio Julián Lynch, was considered the richest man in South America.
No Cuban has forgotten that when the Revolution triumphed, Guevara was appointed “military chief” where he stood out for his immense cruelty against politicians, police officers, soldiers, sympathizers, or members of the defeated regime. He assassinated or gave the order to kill anyone he wanted to, including several of his former comrades in struggle, who were not in favor of the communist regime that was being imposed. In a letter to his father, he wrote: “I have to confess, Dad, that at that moment I discovered that I really liked killing.” (SIC)
In an appearance on TV channel 6 in February 1959, Che declared that “in “La Cabaña,” all the executions are done by express orders from me.” Hundreds of killings were carried out. Che did not believe in trials. He said: “to send men to the firing squad, judicial evidence is unnecessary. These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hatred”. (SIC)
Ernesto “Che” Guevara always showed and practiced hatred as a factor of struggle. A real racist, his writings include the following maxims:
– “The blacks, the same magnificent specimens of the African race that have maintained their racial purity thanks to the little attachment they have to cleanliness.”
– “In Peru and Bolivia, we will use the Indians to promote the revolution, of which there are thousands, and they are easily replaceable.”
– Of the Mexicans, he said: “The Mexicans are a band of ignorant Indians.”
– He also organized the construction of the forced labor camp in Guanahacabibes, destined for homosexuals, whose motto, inspired by that of Auschwitz, read “Work will make you men,” as recounted in the documentary “Improper Conduct”.
In Bolivia, the local communists turned their backs on him, their guerrilla tactics were useless as he was simply a murderer, not a strategist, and so everything was a total disaster. He could not bribe the military, the peasants ignored him, and Fidel Castro abandoned him to his fate. With his troops decimated, he fell wounded, and shouted like the coward he was: “Don’t kill me… I am “Che” Guevara, and I am worth more alive than dead!
López Obrador admires that cowardly, psychopathic, little piece of a person.
Today, May 12, 2020, we woke up in Mexico with the presidential decree that militarizes public security until 2024, just like the Castro-Chavista dictatorship. To the above, let’s add the dangerous words of López Obrador: “Either you are in favor of transformation, or you are part of corruption… here there are no nuances, there are definitions”. (SIC) Words very similar to those expressed by Fidel Castro Ruz when he said: “Within the Revolution, everything, outside of it. Nothing”.
Mexicans are either asleep or do not realize what could be at stake. Perhaps they don’t recognize that Andrés Manuel López Obrador is taking us down the same road of Cuba and Venezuela. His bible and bedside book is the manual of the São Paulo forum.
López Obrador is taking us down a path that includes the word so feared by Latin Americans. Dictatorship.
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