Home Headlines Two Americans robbed of their van and belongings at gun point on Guanajuato highway

Two Americans robbed of their van and belongings at gun point on Guanajuato highway

by sanmigueltimes
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San Miguel de Allende, Gto. – A patrol car without license plates stopped two American citizens who drove San Miguel from Puerto Vallarta where they reside, forced them to get off with long weapons, and stole their vehicle

An American couple was returning to Jalisco via San Miguel Comonfort road early Thursday, September 24, around 10 a.m. right in front of Viñedos San Miguel.

A patrol car stopped them, and two guys dressed as police officers stepped out of the vehicle with machine gun in hand, these men told the Americans to get out of their truck, and they stole the unit with their suitcases and personal belongings, leaving them lying in the midle of the road, in borad daylight.

These gentlemen want to invite all American citizens to take extreme precautions in the area. The theft has already been reported to the Attorney General of the State of Guanajuato.

Imparables, asaltos en carreteras – Expreso

In two months there have been 9 violent car assaults on the San Miguel de Allende-Comonfort highway

In a note published by the newspaper Periodico Correo, Nieto Juárez said that the gangs monitor the passage of the units and when they see one of their objectives they reach them aboard other vehicles and put a vehicle ahead to slow them down and threaten drivers with firearms.

According to the Comonfort Public Safety records, at the beginning they stole vans and Pick up trucks of late models, but the last complaints registered show that these criminals are stealing sedans, trucks, mini-vans and even a Mercedes-Benz and a Porsche.

On the part of the Municipality of Comonfort, they indicated that they contacted the Secretariat of Security from where they offered to increase the surveillance in the area.

En dos meses se han registrado 9 asaltos de autos con violencia en la carretera  San Miguel de Allende-Comonfort - News San Miguel

The Municipal President of Comonfort considered that this crime for car theft has to do with the increase in crime in the Industrial Corridor and the neighborhood with Celaya.

On December 4, a truck belonging to the Bajío Go company was assaulted. In it were traveling foreign citizens who were stripped of their passports, belongings and the unit.

On November 29, the theft of a truck belonging to a florist who arrived in San Miguel de Allende.

The robbery took place at 7:00 at night, after armed men stripped him of his truck, and since the unit had GPS I know which was taken to a place in Celaya.

AFTER THE ASSAULTS, on December 6, in San Miguel de Allende they reported that also requested support from the State Security Secretariat to increase surveillance of the roads that connect the municipality with Comonfort and Guanajuato capital

Actual Video footage of past attack’s below

Source: San Miguel Post

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