San Miguel de Allende.- The Wool and Brass Fair returned to the main square of the city; now it was named a national fair. It is the 42nd edition and 30 local artisans participate in it, who will be exhibiting their products until November 28.

“We want a San Miguel for the people of San Miguel; the main square once again belongs to the people of San Miguel. It’s going to be a success. These are the things that we have to rescue, it is a town with a lot of magic; the main asset of San Miguel de Allende is you, the Sanmiguelenses. Wool and brass is a tradition that has been part of our culture that we must not lose but recover instead. Unfortunately, it was neglected again, but we are here again to put all the effort into it and to return to the good times, ”said Mayor Mauricio Trejo.

During the opening ceremony, Trejo Pureco toured the fair, which offers products made of wool, brass, metalwork and papier-mâché. Local artisans have kept this craft alive for 4 centuries and the fair since 1978.
The national wool and brass fair joined the activities that seek to reactivate the local economy, by offering more opportunities for the talent of San Miguel residents. Its first edition, in 1978, was held in the Ignacio Ramírez ‘El Nigromante’ cultural center and now it takes up the main square of the city to have more views among tourists and visitors.

The municipal president affirmed that, in addition to this annual edition, the local artisans will have more spaces scheduled during the same year, to reinforce the sales of their products in favor of hundreds of families that support themselves from the artisan work.
Currently, there are 7 local wool workshops and 4 active looms, which have kept this San Miguel tradition alive.
42 years away and with old, original, and contemporary designs, this fair is still valid, with a selection of metalwork, wool, jewelry, cardboard and basketwork, which exhibits the cultural legacy of San Miguel.

San Miguel Times