Home Headlines López Obrador makes debut as a singer with AI

López Obrador makes debut as a singer with AI

by sanmigueltimes
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Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador showed “a hidden talent” at his morning press conference on Thursday, August 3, when he showed his “skills” as a singer and with the help of Artificial Intelligence, he performed the song “My Way”.

Reporters questioned AMLO about his vision of the development of the space industry in Mexico, as well as Artificial Intelligence and extraterrestrial life, after the announcement from Washington where a former US military officer said they had found non-human biological material that it is in the custody of the American authorities.

López Obrador recalled that he had seen a video that made him laugh because, thanks to Artificial Intelligence, he was able to know how he would sound when singing “My Way” in the style of the late Mexican singer Vicente Fernández.

This time at his conference López Obrador did not play any song from artist as has happened in recent weeks where he played a series of songs to create a playlist against the “corridos tumbados”; a popular musical genre in Mexico today, but it has caused controversy due to its lyrics related to drug trafficking and organized crime.

“I want to share something that I saw (made) with Artificial Intelligence, how I would hear myself singing “My way”. I saw it and it made me laugh a lot,” said the president before playing te song with his voice.

With a big smile, the president watched the video in which Artificial Intelligence worked its magic to make him sing this iconic theme that ended that day’s conference.

San Miguel Times

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1 comment

Exilean December 11, 2023 - 11:58 am

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