Home Headlines It is false that the INAH prohibits the use of mobile devices in archaeological zones and museums

It is false that the INAH prohibits the use of mobile devices in archaeological zones and museums

by sanmigueltimes
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About some news spread on social networks, indicate that the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Mexico, through the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), prohibits the use of mobile devices within archaeological zones, museums, and other cultural venues under its custody, these institutions make the following details:

In none of the heritage sites under INAH custody, archaeological or paleontological zones, museums, or historical buildings, is public access prohibited with devices for personal use, such as cell phones, electronic tablets, and non-professional cameras.

Official Letter No. 401.5C.4-2024/1287, issued by the National Coordination of Financial Resources of the INAH, is due to an update of the fees the institute has been charging since 2011 and that they apply to video recordings made with this type of device for commercial purposes.

The INAH reiterates that there is no prohibition for people to take images for personal use, using cellphone devices, respecting the regulatory restrictions each space has established for these purposes.

Only in those cases where the taking of images and videos with non-professional cameras has a commercial purpose, the interested party must pay a fee of $60.00 (sixty Mexican pesos -approximately 3 USD– ), as in effect established in the aforementioned official letter.

Finally, it should be noted that the collection of these fees is additional to those other charges established in the Federal Law of Rights by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.

San Miguel Times

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