Home Headlines Turibus bases are relocated in San Miguel de Allende

Turibus bases are relocated in San Miguel de Allende

by sanmigueltimes
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The ‘fight’ between the Mauricio Trejo government and the turibus concessionaires has now reached the city hall. They approved relocating the points of promotion and relegation. They changed them from Juárez Street in the Center to Calzada del Cardo.

The justification of the local government is that this action is to provide better service to users. Also, improve road mobility in the historic center.

The municipal president Mauricio Trejo presented this proposal on the well-known Turibuses of San Miguel de Allende. The qualified majority of the council endorsed it with 11 votes in favor and 1 against.

This is to relocate tourist pick-up and drop-off points, regulate boarding logistics, as well as a semi-fixed module for ticket sales.

Last week, the government had already continued the fight after preventing them from working on the 2021 new year’s weekend. Also on March 21, the placement of planters was carried out on Juárez Street, to prevent the Turibuses from parking to download or upload people in that area.

The municipal government justifies changes to improve mobility
This change, assures the government of Trejo Pureco, favors road mobility in the historic center:

“Currently, these actions are carried out on Juárez Street and generate vehicular congestion, as well as invasion of free pedestrian traffic. Similarly, there is road chaos in the Benito Juárez park. Every time the Turibuses stop there, collapsing the passage of vehicles through the area, “says the official statement.

The mayor’s position is that this relocation offers a better-conditioned space for users, with furniture and wooded areas, without the need to put their lives at risk when boarding the units.

The municipal president pointed out that this proposal meets the need for the natural growth of San Miguel de Allende, which requires more efficient, comfortable, and safe mobility.

“Municipalities grow and must move forward. San Miguel de Allende has modernization plans, through the conservation of good living. Today, one of the main problems is mobility. San Miguel de Allende must move to a different tourist transport, ecological, electric, with measures or dimensions different from what we have today,” said Trejo Pureco.

He assured that the relocation does not prohibit this economic activity that is granted as a concession by the State government, but rather allows concessionaires to use a public space for the benefit of tourists interested in their service.

“The City Council is not here to harm anyone’s interests, but rather to improve the conditions of the city and the people of San Miguel,” the mayor pointed out.

In addition, the mayor announced that he will seek a meeting with the Directorate of Transportation of the State Government, to learn about the physical-mechanical state of the units. This is with the desire that this service is provided with safety to users.

San Miguel Times

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