In the first five months of 2016, international tourist arrivals to Mexico grew 9.1%, the deputy minister of Planning and Tourism Policy under the Ministry of Tourism (Sectur, for its acronym in Spanish), Teresa Trejo Solis, estimated.
At the launch of the “on line” multidestinations platform “Travelpidia”, the official said that from January to May 2016 spending also grew 8.0% regarding foreign visitors in tourist destinations.
With this, the regional economy is strengthened, which translates into greater employment and development, according to Solis.

Crowds of tourists continue to grow at famous sites like Yucatan’s Chichen Itza. (PHOTO:
In a statement, the Ministry of Tourism pointed out that the multidestination digital platform “Travelpidia” offers to tourists: time simplification, search, price and quality of tourism products, and joined the national movement promoting “we all travel through Mexico”.
In this regard, the executive director of Representative Offices of Tourism Board of Mexico (CPTM, for its acronym in Spanish), Maria Eugenia Gonzalez O’Farrill, said that this national movement “privileges the low season and hotel infrastructure”.
Therefore, she explained, the Tourism Ministry has established partnerships with entrepreneurs, commercial banks and unions, so that all Mexicans can travel around the country and reaffirm their sense of belonging.
In turn, CEO of “Travelpidia” Daniel Sutton ensured that the agreement signed with the Ministry of Tourism seeks that more people travel through Mexico and the world.
Sutton explained that “Travelpidia” is an inclusive platform where all tourism service providers can subscribe, as long as they follow all required quality standards.