Travel + Leisure website names San Miguel de Allende one of the Best Places to spend Christmas this year.
A girl on a donkey leads a candle-carrying procession past San Miguel de Allende’s shops festooned with piñatas and poinsettias. When they stop before a Spanish-colonial building and break into song, you realize you’re witnessing the reenactment of Joseph and Mary’s search for shelter that takes place in the days leading up to Christmas.
Whether your winter holiday trip enhances your yuletide nostalgia with traditions, sparkly lights, and nippy air or makes a radical break from it—by, say, taking you to warmer climes or a quiet, far-flung hideaway—breaking the habit of staying home will always reward you with a Christmas you’ll never forget. With that goal in mind, we’ve rounded up diverse, exceptional places to get you in the spirit of taking off.

Best Places to Spend Christmas: San Miguel de Allende, Mexico © Marc Muench / Alamy San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
By Marc Muench / Alamy San for Travel + Leisure Magazine