GUANAJUATO, Gto. (OEM- Informex) .- Eusebio Vega Pérez, Guanajuato’s Secretary of Education stated: “We are ready to receive all students who will be expeled from the United States, due to the current migration policies carried out by U.S Trump presidency”.
Vega Pérez continued explaining that, the secretary have to guarantee the inclusion of these bi-national migrants in the state schools. Right now, the State Council for Social Participation in Education (Consejo Estatal de Participación Social en la Educación, CEPSE) is open to work on this issue.
He also stated, “we are currently analyzing the specific rules for enrollment, accreditation, promotion and certification in elementary, junior and high schools in order to facilitate the admission process, making the reception of documents easier”.

Eusebio Vega Pérez, Guanajuato’s Secretary of Education, presided the meeting with members of the State Council for Social Participation in Education (Photo: OEM)
In this regard, specialized academics will visit the state schools to train teachers and provide them with a guidance manual for the inclusion of pupils coming from abroad. Vega assured that, in all cases immigrants students will take advantage of the simplification of norms, requirements and processes of revalidation of studies.
Additionally, EDUCAFIN’s scholarships will be granted to aid all immigrant children, in collaboration with INAEBA for the literacy of migrant adults.