A group of local female painters have gathered twice a week for nearly a quarter of century to paint together thus sharing techniques and interests. Their specialty is religious art. Their stipulation is they cannot sell their faith-based paintings believing instead that religious art should be given away to provide hope and comfort to the recipient.

On Monday of Holy Week (Semana Santa, or the week leading up to Easter) many of their paintings are being donated by their owners and the painters for display at Café Muro, San Miguel de Allende’s (SMA’s) top rated TripAdvisor restaurant for both Mexican and Northern cuisine. There is no fee to view the paintings, and are not for sale. It is simply a unique opportunity to view the secret paintings of SMA.
The bestselling author of SMA’s Secrets: Easter, Joseph Toone, will be on hand to explain both the paintings and the upcoming activities of Holy Week providing a free flyer listing daily activities here in town. Joseph Toone is TripAdvisor’s top rated historical walking tour guide and the Amazon bestselling author of the SMA Secrets series of books on History and Travel.
In addition to enjoying the paintings, eating a great meal, and planning your Holy Week activities you can view paperback copies of Joseph Toone’s bestselling book SMA Secrets – Easter with Plagues, Prison, Piñatas and Popsicles.
The paintings will be displayed from eleven to two at Café Muro located at number 1, calle San Gabriel, in the neighborhood Obraje (near the Fabrica Auroa). Café Muro’s owners have generously devoted the restaurant for this one day display of secret SMA paintings so please enjoy one the best meals in town!

For more information about planning your time in SMA during Holy Week, or the secret paintings of SMA, or just how great the meals are at Muro’s, contact Joseph Toone through JosephTooneTours.com.
Joseph Toone is the Historical Society’s short-story award winning author of the SMA Secrets book series. All books in the series are Amazon bestsellers in Mexican Travel and Holidays. Toone is SMA’s expert and TripAdvisor’s top ranked historical tour guide telling the stories behind what we do in today’s SMA. Visit HistoryAndCultureWalkin