Katie O’Grady, who is a lucky Mom of 12 year-old twins, girlfriend of a retired firefighter hubby Frank, living and adventuring full time in mainland Mexico since November of 2012, published an interesting article on her own blog that tells us about her and her children life in San Miguel de Allende.
Thanks to creating a radical change in our family’s lives, we no longer live under this paradigm of life in a 21st century modern society.
I can remember being STUCK in traffic—more often than not—anxiously and impatiently tapping my fingers on the steering wheel, moving along, inch by inch, so fed up with that being the “norm”, knowing in my heart that it didn’t have to be and feeling so READY for a change.
That picture above represents so much of what we were ready to eliminate in our lives—breathing in exhaust fumes, missing out on active, joyful engagement in life because we were on hold in a sea of cars. That was not how we wanted to spend our valuable, once-in-a-lifetime time. I would take pictures from the dashboard of my car to the hundreds of bumpers in front of me and send them to my husband with the message, “One thing I will NOT miss”. And I don’t, not one little bit.
Since immigrating to Mexico in 2012, we have gone from daily traffic congestion and the frequent witnessing of road rage to driving on jungle roads and 16th century cobblestone streets. We have traded in mind-numbing, lost hours in the car to engagement in other, far more meaningful activities of our choice.
If one of my jobs as a Mother is to support and nurture the emotional well-being and development of my children, then moving to Mexico has been one great step in supporting that endeavor.

Our daughter learning how to horseback ride in San Pancho, Mexico
This is not to say that life was dreadful for us in the States for certainly it was not. San Diego is a beautiful city, “America’s Finest City” after all, with much to offer and experience. Yes, we had some rough patches, but that is just life and part of its various dimensions anywhere.

It’s a kid’s world! Nayarit, Mexico
Without a doubt we miss our family and friends and that continues to be the biggest area of conscious adjustment and acceptance in our transported, immigrated lives…BUT, life here in Mexico for the past four years has proven itself to be a character-building, expansive, sustainable and life-changing move for our family.
Click here for full article by Katie O’Grady on losogradysinmexico.com
Source: http://www.losogradysinmexico.com/