Home Guanajuato State With an 55 million pesos investment Márquez inaugurates the new Escuela Modelo

With an 55 million pesos investment Márquez inaugurates the new Escuela Modelo

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With an investment of more than 55 million pesos, the Governor of Guanajuato, Miguel Márquez Márquez inaugurated the new “Escuela Modelo” Complex, a building that was restored in Mineral de Pozos “Pueblo Mágico”, with the purpose of preserving and promoting educational, artistic and cultural expressions in this town.


Accompanied by 100 year-old Doña María García Molinero who was a “Escuela Modelo” student and now witnesses its remodeling and renovation, Márquez Márquez emphasized that “this work is done to change and develop the people’s property in an integral way. Also to consolidate Mineral de Pozos “Pueblo Mágico” as an important tourist destination”.


The “Escuela Modelo” new facility has 2 main buildings; The Old “Escuela Modelo” Building, which rescues identity and culture with spaces such as a museum, arts & crafts shop, cinema hall, music workshop, reading room, cafeteria, dance hall, Aula Magna, and a temporary exhibition center.

And the second building is the new School of Arts and Trades (Escuela de Artes y Oficios), that will function as an academic space, offering workshops and courses. This area will be under the management of the Secretariat for Social and Human Development (SEDESHU), and will operate as a Social Impulse Center, where students will have the opportunity to learn disciplines such as carpentry, cabinetmaking, painting, photography and video, engraving, ceramics, sculpture, jewelry and drawing.

The project includes a library and residential areas.

escuela modelo 1

“The “Escuela Modelo de Mineral de Pozos“, was built during the administration of President Porfirio Diaz, in the early XX Century, the work was in charge of Architect, Luis Long and back then, the facility and equipment were an innovative proposal that facilitated the application of new pedagogical schemes promoted during the Porfiriato, in which students were exhorted to learn some trade” the governor continued.


The State official stressed the support of the three levels of government to consolidate the urban infrastructure of Mineral de Pozos “Pueblo Mágico” as part of the 6th stage of the urban image remodeling, rehabilitation of facades, restoration of quarry elements and rescue works of the “Antiguo Abasto” Cultural Forum.


The governor pointed out that the rehabilitation of Ocampo, Leandro Valle, Aldama, Miguel Hidalgo and Centenario streets, the Medical Attention Unit (UMAPS) and the construction works at Las Vizcaínas Square have been finished an are now in use.


And concluded that the State Government will provide transportation service to support the integration of local boys and girls (as well as adults) from the surrounding communities in the state, so they can take advantage of the benefits that the “Escuela Modelo” new facility will provide to the people of Guanajuato.

Source: http://noticias.guanajuato.gob.mx/

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