Conceived by Bruce James and the Australian chef behind Magno Brasserie, Paul Bentley, Bovine is a brasserie-style restaurant located inside the Post Code Design building.
While there are options for vegetarians, Bovine is really for meat-eaters—predictable, considering its name.
The food is rich and incredibly flavorful, but steers clear of overt heaviness. Regardless of one’s main course selection, we suggest trying the grilled leeks with gribiche sauce, cured egg yolk and chives.
Make sure to take time to enjoy cocktails through dessert in this lush, sophisticated restaurant—with its opulent gold tabletops, jewel-toned seating and contrasting outdoor space.
The feeling in Bovine is a constant jump in time.
The concept and design of this place was developed and executed by Bruce James and Juan Pablo Gallegos, who with an eclectic and sophisticated design, created an atmosphere that escapes from traditional San Miguel de Allende.
Ornamentation, reflexes and geometry, play an important role to build a timeless environment, which refers us to the static Art Decó, besides, it has little pieces of design that place us in a current context and intensify the contrast between the present and the past.
The eclecticism that defines this project can be seen at the kitchen, a mix of brasserie and steakhouse, comfort food but with the impeccable technique of Australian Chef Paul Bentley.