Born and raised in the beautiful state of Guanajuato Ana Rosa Aguilar Aguado was considered by Forbes magazine as one of the most creative Mexicans of 2018.
Originally from Uriangato, the 31-year-old is the creator of the carpet of flowers that adorned the Grand Place in Brussels, Belgium.
On Thursday November 23 Ana Rosa attended the gala in Mexico City where the cover of December’s Forbes Magazine was unveiled in a ceremony.

Ana Rosa is the creator of the carpet of flowers that adorned the Grand Place in Brussels and is considered by Forbes Magazine one of the most creative Mexican women. (Photo: AM)
Ana Rosa exhibited in Brussels her design “Guanajuato, cultural pride of Mexico”, the gigantic flower carpet of 75 by 24 meters.
“For the last 6 years, Forbes has dedicated the month of December to pay tribute to Mexican creativity. Through a list, the magazine cites extraordinary Mexicans who are materializing their creative thinking in extraordinary works.”
San Miguel Times Newsroom with information from AM