Home Headlines Teotihuacán flower carpet sets new Guinness World Record

Teotihuacán flower carpet sets new Guinness World Record

by sanmigueltimes
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With an extension of 17,805.19 square meters, the Magic Town of Teotihuacán established a new Guinness World Record for the largest floral carpet in the world, which was located nearby the archaeological site of this municipality.

Aurora González Ledezma, Secretary of State Tourism, said in a statement that the design of the mat was a frontal representation of the Pyramid of the Sun of Teotihuacán, one of the icons of the Americas and the world.

She said that this mat exceeded its extension to the one made last year in Saudi Arabia, which measured 16,134 square meters.

She explained that this work in charge of the Jardines de México company was made with nine varieties and colors of poinsettias, one of the most beautiful and distinctive flowers of Mexico, among which the ‘prestige’ brown and red, and the ‘luv pink’ stand out , as well as the ‘davinche’, ‘marble star’ and ‘cherry fros’t, among others.

She emphasized that this initiative honors the Pre-Hispanic City of Teotihuacán, the cradle of the most important civilization in Mesoamerica and the pride of the people of Mexico, since it was declared a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational Organization since 1987 , Science and Culture (Unesco).

The Secretary of Tourism thanked “all those who, in one way or another, collaborated with their initiative, talent, work and dedication, to elaborate this majestic floral carpet, contributing to enrich the tourism offer of the Teotihuacán Valley”.

floral carpet teotihuacan

(Source: El Financiero)

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