In order to strengthen its presence in Europe, The National Autonomous University of Mexico UNAM, recently inaugurated the headquarters of its Mexican Studies Centers (CEM) in Germany and the United Kingdom.
They promote academic and cultural exchange with these countries, and numerous alliances in pursuit of developing student activities in the region.
The new CEMs are located at the Free University of Berlin and the King´s College of London, respectively. Likewise, with an alliance with the British school, since 2015 new offices were opened on the Waterloo campus, which are added to the existing centers in Spain and France.
After the launch of the Mexican center in Berlin, on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the birth of the German explorer Alexander von Humboldt, a series of academic and cultural activities were carried out.
Likewise, the Institute for Latin American Studies of the University of Berlin presented a “German-Spanish Tandem” as an invitation to practice other languages and facilitate cultural exchange.
In the case of the CEM of the United Kingdom, its director Ana Elena González Treviño, stressed that the value of international headquarters strengthen the integration of those involved and their development.
He indicated that since 2017 the center has received more than fifty academics, whose visits have been reflected in conferences, workshops, and free events, in addition to the call for a training course in English and British culture.
These courses, available during the summer, included accommodation in university residences, academic excursions, breakfasts and meals, as well as other benefits.
Source: https://www.forbes.com.mx