San Miguel de Allende.- The mayor of San Miguel de Allende, Luis Alberto Villarreal García, informed that on Monday, June 1st, his municipality entered phase 0, which implies starting the gradual and safe reopening of certain productive activities, without giving way to tourism yet.
He indicated that what is sought is to begin to move San Miguel’s local economy, learning to live in these new circumstances and that new ways of carrying out activities and routines are put into practice, given the danger posed by the Covid-19.
Regarding public spaces, he indicated that access to these will continue to be restricted and efforts will continue to reduce mobility on the streets of San Miguel.
And reinforcing the request for citizen collaboration, Luis Alberto Villarreal insisted that greater awareness must continue to be assumed and measures such as keeping a healthy distance, not having physical contact, using face masks, and antibacterial gel must comply.

The mayor reiterated that the federal undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez, has given information that confuses the population, giving erroneous projections about the highest peaks of the spread of the virus or assuring at times that the outbreak has already been “tamed”.
In the economic part, he indicated that despite the fact that the Federation administers 78 cents of each peso of our taxes, it has left the micro, small and medium-sized companies in distress.
He assured that this caused some people to relax and in San Miguel de Allende the number of cases went from 9 to 22 in just 19 days.
In addition to the above, mayor Villarreal said that the Federation is not even investing in the public health system that depends on it, since it is dismantled and in terrible abandonment.
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