The municipality has a 100% led lighting system; this program also strengthens public safety and helps take care of the environment.
San Miguel de Allende.- With the implementation of LED lamps in 100% of the public lighting system, the municipal government headed by Mayor Luis Alberto Villarreal García, achieved savings of more than nine million pesos in the first seven months of this year, economic resources that are destined to social works to improve the quality of life of Sanmiguelenses.
Thus, San Miguel de Allende is positioned as the first municipality in the entire country with this type of lighting, thanks to the installation of 12,500 lamps in total between rural and urban areas, which in addition to saving public finances , contributes to the sustainability of the environment.

Municipal President Villarreal García pointed out, “we act responsibly for the environment, we provide better lighting and we take good care of everyone’s finances; we are going to promote social development, reactivate the family economy and face the contingency ”.
CFE returns to Municipality 756 thousand pesos
During this same period in 2019, the Municipality had already paid the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) 3.6 million pesos for the Public Lighting Right (DAP), corresponding to the difference between billing and collection.
So far in 2020, the Municipality not only saved that money, but also the CFE has already returned 5.5 million pesos, which means a real saving of more than nine million pesos. “Today we are already a surplus municipality, we are going to access an additional 10 million pesos as an exemplary municipality,” said the mayor.
This program not only sought benefits for municipal finances, but also to strengthen public safety by having more and better lighting, paying for the care of the environment by drastically reducing energy consumption and reducing pollution, since the new lights changed their steam from sodium to LED technology.
It is important to mention that the lamps installed in the communities are new, such as those in the whole municipality, something that did not happen in past administrations, since the lights from the historic center were taken to the rural area.
“However, today the reality is different, thanks to the commitment of Mayor Villarreal García to dignify these areas that “were totally forgotten”; the objective is to make all of us feel part of the same San Miguel de Allende ”, declared the mayor.
In this way, he keeps his word of being the president of the communities, neighborhoods and popular areas, where working class people live laboring tirelessly every day to keep San Miguel up and running.
San Miguel Times Newsroom