San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato (August 25, 2021).- The Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judicial Branch ordered the National Electoral Institute (INE) to review Trejo Pureco’s expenses and agenda, following the PAN’s complaints that the PRI had exceeded the campaign limit.
The secretary-general of the PAN State Committee, Eduardo López Mares, accused the elected mayor of San Miguel de Allende of exceeding campaign expenses by 71% and not reporting the events.
The secretary also pointed out that there were irregularities in at least 33 polling stations installed on June 6.
“We have documents; more than one million pesos that represent 71% of what is allowed by the electoral authority if it exists it would produce the nullity of the vote. The electoral authority has admitted that there are irregularities that must be clarified, ”said the Secretary-General.

Since July 12, the PAN filed a criminal complaint against Mauricio Trejo Pureco for using allegedly illegal money in the campaign and for failing to report more than 20 events to the electoral authorities.
“The resolution orders the INE to review each peso that was spent and the agenda of candidate Mauricio Trejo Pureco where he exceeded the allowed expense limit. We are seeking an annulment and the regional court agreed with us, ”López Mares explained.
The INE has five days to analyze the resolution and the court must decide whether or not there were irregularities.
“These five or six issues of the court should be ruled hopefully in the following days,” López concluded.