SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE, Guanajuato – On the evening of Tuesday May 3rd, a 7-year-old child died after receiving several gun shots in head and torax, during a shooting in the community of “Santa Cecilia”, municipality of San Miguel de Allende.
According to next door neighbors who witnessed the tragic event, minutes before 10:00 p.m., unidentified individuals aboard a van opened fire against a property on “Antonio Quero” street; and immediately fled the scene.
All the house occupants could take shelter, except for a 7-year-old kid who resulted seriously injured and died minutes later right on the crime scene.
Witnesses called emergency number 911, and after a while Municipal Police officers, Ministerial agents along with Red Cross paramedics arrived on site to give assistance to the injured, and to confirm the child’s death.
“The victim is the son of a 27-year-old late drug dealer known as ‘El Tachas‘, who was murdered on April 11, 2016 on “Avenida Guadalupe”, in the same municipality”, authorities reported.
According to a report issued by municipal authorities, the shooting was allegedly a settling of scores between criminal groups, and nobody has been arrested in relation with this murder.