Home Headlines #LadyChampagne was elected Senator but lost dignity in a drunken stupor

#LadyChampagne was elected Senator but lost dignity in a drunken stupor

by sanmigueltimes
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The senator-elect for Baja California, Alejandra León Gastélum, offered an apology to the public, to the PRI member Juana Laura Pérez Floriano and PAN´s Jorge Ramos Hernández, for what she said (in an evident state of drunkenness) in the video of the celebration of her electoral victory.

However, everything seems to indicate that #LadyChampagne, as she is widely known in social networks, could even be expelled from MORENA, political party to which she belongs.

Local news outlet The Baja Post published the following editorial on León Gastelum’s behavior:

She’s now known at a national level as #LadyChampagne, however during the campaign she had already given proof that she’d “lost the ground”, she stopped greeting people she looked self-sufficient and “power sick”, she even seemed to float rather than walk, Sunday, after the election results gave her a virtual Senator’s charge, Alejandra Leon showed her real personality, drunk and insulting and calling names she attacked her opponents Juanita Perez and Jorge Ramos, just like a “girl from hood”.

Sadly for her, she could be taken as an example to show that Lopez Obrador, the election winner for President and leader of MORENA (Leon’s party) was talking seriously when he said> ZERO TOLERACE for corruption or any kind of abuse, in this case there must be a real severe punishment to show that no inappropriate behavior will be tolerated in the new regime.

Sad conclusion that, with little or no class at all and no civic attitude towards victory, the video shows the real face of someone who climbed a brick and got dizzy with a little bit of power she was granted since she became candidate and now “virtual senator”, and this situation sheds light on her real human quality.

León Gastelum made evident that she is not prepared to exert power, showcasing tremendous hate and resentment in a moment when Mexico needs to reconcile with itself and not these sort of attitudes of such a low life profile.

Source: The Baja Post

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