Home Headlines “Expo Bajío Industrial EBI 4.0” boosts the SMA’s economy

“Expo Bajío Industrial EBI 4.0” boosts the SMA’s economy

by sanmigueltimes
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SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE, Gto.- Master conferences by industrial executives and representatives from Aguascalientes, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Queretaro, San Luis Potosi and Guanajuato, along with other activites took place in San Miguel on Tuesday September 27, as part of the “Expo Bajío Industrial EBI 4.0”.

José Guajardo, member of the Organizing Committee, thanked the municipal and federal authorities for their great support to make this event possible.

Guajardo said: “this is the first Industrial Expo that brings together all the Bajío region. During this edition, our central subject of analysis is:

 Mexico facing the fourth industrial revolution”

  • Challenges and opportunities for the Bajío region
  • Shaping the future
  • Destination Mexico

He also reported that, at the end of this event a summary of results will be delivered to President Enrique Peña Nieto.

On the other hand, the Mayor of San Miguel de Allende, Ricardo Villarreal welcomed all attendees, highlighting that the Bajío Region is the most important “motor” of Mexico’s economy, with an economic growth three times bigger than the rest of the country in the last year.


(Image: periodicocorreo.com.mx)

Villarreal ensured that there is legal certainty along the region, that the local authorities continually work to attract more investments in order to generate employment, and boost regional development.

The mayor said the government is working on training young entrepreneurs, adding that San Miguel’s industrial park has been very successful, with an investment of around 3 billion US dollars, thanks to its connectivity and proximity to other industrial parks.

Finally, Villareal invited the audience to make a reflection on what needs to be done in order to generate more wealth for the country, and said: “I am convinced that San Miguel de Allende will remain a huge driver for the industry featuring many competitive advantages, allowing it to remain as a highly developed community in the years to come”.

The opening ceremony was attended by Mayor Ricardo Villarreal; Link Coordinator, Arturo Diazlombardo Ayala; Delegate of Guanajuato SEMANART, Israel Cabrera Barrón; Lic. Juan Enrique Ibañez, Minister of Communications and Dr. Juan Salgado Brito, Director of SEGOB’s delegations.

Source: http://periodicocorreo.com.mx/

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