Home Guanajuato State Dozens of hot air balloons will cross the skies of León, Guanajuato

Dozens of hot air balloons will cross the skies of León, Guanajuato

by sanmigueltimes
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This year, León, Guanajuato will host the 15th Edition of the León International Balloon Festival (Festival Internacional Del Globo) from November 18-21, this time during the Mexican Revolution Holiday long weekend.  

The FIG is currently the biggest and most important rally of its kind in all Latin America, and one of the most renowned around the world. The FIG features 200 hot air balloons and pilots from 15 different countries, keeping up a sustained growth since its first edition. This festival has attracted over 2.5 million visitors in 13 years.


Mexico’s annual International Balloon Festival (Photo: festivaldelglobo.com.mx)

Despite living in an age where complex and high-tech gadgets and machines are the norm, there is something about the aerostatic balloon that still fascinates. Since the first official passenger-carrying flight in 1783 (the passengers, by the way, were a sheep, a duck, and a rooster), the hot air balloon has held a romantic mystique that has not lost its charm over hundreds of years. The simplicity and nostalgic whimsy of witnessing a sky full of wicker baskets held up only by brightly colored nylon and hot air, is one of those things in life that delights the senses and makes you feel like a child all over again.


The FIG features 200 hot airballoons (Photo: festivaldelglobo.com.mx)

Visitors start arriving at the Metropolitan Ecological Park of León, where the event initiates at around 5:30 a.m.

A small train takes somewhat still sleepy passengers the fifteen minutes or so from the park’s entrance to the open area where the balloons are laid out in a colourful patchwork.

Signage around the area remind guests not to smoke and to use caution when walking around the balloons.


Just before 7 a.m., the first pilot lights up his burner.

The balloon begins to inflate, filling out its massive shape and the crowd murmurs with excitement. It gracefully lifts off the ground with its pilot and two crew members and the spectators break into a cheer. Soon dozens upon dozens of huge balloons in a medley of colors and sizes fill up the north-central Mexican sky.

Floating alongside the traditional style balloons, there will be at least 20 others designed in more unconventional shapes. A butterfly, penguin, devil, and even a glitzy white-suited Elvis cruise through the skies above the park.


(Photo: festivaldelglobo.com.mx)

Apart from the main attraction of the morning lift off, during the day — when the balloons are grounded — other events fill up the park. Spectators brave the hot Mexican November sun to take in a rodeo, dog show, dancing horse demonstrations, and concerts.

After dark, the pilots fire up their aircraft as part of a synchronized show where the propane burners illuminate the balloons in time to a music program.



The 2016 edition of FIG will feature a unique and amazing show, with hundreds of hot air balloons from all over the world, more than 30 special shapes and spectacular activities; music and fun for all ages.

“Serás feliz”, dijo la vida, “Pero primero, te haré fuerte” #diacontraelcancerdemama #ViveFIG #FIGÚnico

Una foto publicada por Festival Int. Del Globo ? (@figleon) el

For more information you can visit their website: http://www.festivaldelglobo.com.mx/


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