I was lucky enough to grow up with a blind aunt giving me a life-long ability to communicate changes in depth when…
Joseph Toone
I am a dam guy. No, not the expletive but, rather, huge walls built to retain water on one side versus the…
Just like Daria, Jane Lane and Quinn mused in the quintessential (pun intended) 1990s cartoon, Daria, the 1730s were active college years for San Miguel. Not that as women,…
San Miguel de Allende is a marvelously preserved colonial town because of its strategic geographic point in Colonial Mexico and the formation of a unique creole culture…
The town of San Miguel played a fundamental role in the beginning of the emancipatory process of Mexico. San Miguel was the nucleus of a…
There is the old adage that the best place to hide is often in plain sight. This certainly holds true for one…
My best pal in college was a Geography major so I used every opportunity to tease him about paying tuition to simply…
The most important thing to remember about becoming a Colonial-era cloistered nun in San Miguel de Allende was that it wasn’t necessarily a religious…
Being the largest city in the Americas for bit in the 1700’s and a center for education and religion in New Spain, San Miguel de…
Last week was the feast day of St. PaschalBaylon, a lad featured in most every San Miguel de Allende restaurant and kitchen that during…