Home Headlines Guanajuato International Film Festival (GIFF) to celebrate two decades

Guanajuato International Film Festival (GIFF) to celebrate two decades

by sanmigueltimes
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Guanajuato International Film Festival (GIFF) will take place from 21 to 30 July 2017, in San Miguel de Allende and Guanajuato capital, featuring a special edition to celebrate its 20th anniversary as one of the most prestigious film festivals in Latin America, and a prominent showcase to boost the New Mexican talents.

During the press conference, the organizer committee announced some of the most important details of this great event: first of all, Canada will be the guest country, working on an alliance with the Embassy of Canada and the General Delegation of Quebec in Mexico to strengthen the market between these two countries.


Press Conference (Photo: cronica.com.mx)

Sarah Hoch, Festival Director, declared: “We always look for opportunities and we thank the State of Guanajuato for the great opportunity to host this festival once again. Every year, we try to innovate, offering something new. For that reason during the 20th anniversary, visitors and participants will be able to discover a new digital era involving virtual reality”.


Virtual Reality at GIFF (Facebook)

Hoch also presented the Official Image that shows Guanajuato’s Teatro Juarez, a “temple” representing the occult and at the same time the strength of a solid structure, allowing the attendees to have a new perspective during each broadcast.

The GIFF’s Director stated: “a discussion forum will be held in order to debate the current situation in the cinema industry, and how it has been affected year after year”.


New Poster (Facebook)

Sarah Hoch conitnued: “All activities are intended to send a message to other festivals in order to join forces to face the current critical situation and open new doors for all those who are interested in keeping the filmmaking spirit alive”.

“The Giffmx summit” achieved a total of 3,247 films from 120 countries, which brings new ideas and stories that stand out above commercial moviemaking.

“It is worth mentioning that to sign up for the festival is completely free, we have made great achievements with few resources and we will continue this way, as long as people are interested in continuing to participate, “said Sarah.

During the conference, the GIFF’s committee made emphasis on mentioning that it is the first festival to exhibit LGBT cinema; founder of the first Association of Women in Film and Television (Asociación de Mujeres en el Cine y la Televisión) in Latin America; as well as the creator of the first National Contest of Non-Institutional Cinematographic Screenplay (Concurso Nacional de Guión Cinematográfico no Institucional).

Source: http://www.cronica.com.mx/

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