A local representative of the PT political party in Mexico City, by the name of Circe Camacho, has caused controversy in social networks after her participation in the São Paulo Forum, which was held in Venezuela, as she openly expressed her sympathy and support for President Nicolás Maduro (a position which obviously millions of Mexicans don’t share).
Several videos of Camacho are already circulating on the web, where she can be seen speaking into a microphone before thousands of people saying: “All Latin America is here to sustain and defend the Bolivarian revolution, Viva Chávez, viva Maduro, viva Venezuela, Viva Mexico“.
It was the same Mexican politician who posted several videos on her Twitter account along with messages. “I came to the Sao Paulo Forum to tell our colleagues that the Fourth Transformation is relying on the young people of Mexico. Today we are the protagonists of the change we are building for everyone, ” she wrote.¡Este video es perturbador!
Diputadilla local por Xochimilco, Circe Camacho Bastida del PT va al Foro de Sao Paulo a aplaudirle al dictador y jefe del mesías bananero, Maduro. ¡Nos quieren convertir en la #VenezuelaDelNorte !#FelizDomingo pic.twitter.com/jlqf20M6eZ — Joe Black ?????? (@Dimopulos_) July 28, 2019
“We are thirty million people who voted for the radical change we represent alongside López Obrador. Fighting corruption is the main cause of our movement, ” she said.Vine al Foro de Sao Paulo a comentarles a nuestros compañeros que la Cuarta Transformación está apostándonos a los jóvenes
hoy somos los protagonistas del cambio que estamos construyendo para todas y todos pic.twitter.com/doZG3N8B4j — Dip. Circe Camacho (@CamachoCirce) July 28, 2019
She added: “Mexico is the hope of our continent before the last waves of the extreme right in our Homeland. From the #ForodeSaoPaulo we assure that we will continue waging war until we see our continent out of the violence and poverty generated by neoliberal capitalism. ”Somos treinta millones de personas las que votamos por el cambio radical que representamos junto a @lopezobrador_;
combatir la corrupción es la primera bandera de nuestro movimiento pic.twitter.com/vLcSTX2jF2 — Dip. Circe Camacho (@CamachoCirce) July 28, 2019
The Yucatan Times NewsroomMéxico es la esperanza de nuestro continente ante las últimas oleadas de la ultraderecha en nuestra Patria Grande
Desde el #ForodeSaoPaulo aseguramos que seguiremos dando la guerra hasta ver a nuestro continente fuera de la violencia y la pobreza del capitalismo neoliberal pic.twitter.com/wSOpeSd8x6 — Dip. Circe Camacho (@CamachoCirce) July 28, 2019