For the president of the National Chamber of Commerce (Canaco) in this municipality, Daniel Hernández Rangel, the fact that San Miguel de Allende is in third place at state level in number of intentional injuries is very serious, because it affects tourism, as gives the city a bad reputation.
He blamed the state and federal governments for not implementing preventive measures and urgently requested greater coordination between the federal, state and municipal security forces.
According to local newspaper , the municipalities of Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende occupy places two and three, respectively, in incidence of malicious injuries, according to the Citizen Council for Public Safety and Criminal Justice.
The leader of Canaco said that this situation directly affects hoteliers, restaurateurs, service providers and merchants. “We hope that the authorities do their job and solve this problem, because it is a difficult issue to deal with,” he said.
Hernandez also noted that San Miguel is an international world-class tourist destinatioin that has many attractions, but stated that there are organized criminal groups that are breaking the law, and they know how to make the justice system work in their favor.

Hernández declared: “Everyone knows that the criminals get arrested, go to jail, and then a judge releases them as they know hoy to cleverly use the laws in their favor. “
“The municipal forces have a certain degree of acceptance among the population, they are well trained and they have the confidence of the business community, but the coordination between the three levels of government is very much needed in order to end the current insecurity situation,” he concluded.
SMT Newsroom with information from