Home Headlines 3 cases of dengue confirmed by Health authorities in San Miguel de Allende

3 cases of dengue confirmed by Health authorities in San Miguel de Allende

by sanmigueltimes
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The Guanajuato Health Secretariat (SSG) has intensified dengue containment actions in San Miguel de Allende and the northeastern area of ​​the state, after the detection of this disease so far in 2024.

The intensive campaign, led by Health Jurisdiction II, seeks to mobilize the population to adopt preventive measures against dengue, a viral disease transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

Given the rainy season and the increase in cases in some regions, health authorities urge the community to actively collaborate to prevent the spread of the mosquito and reduce the risks of infection.

Dengue is a significant public health problem in various parts of the country. Symptoms include high fever, headache, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, and in severe cases, bleeding and shock.

Prevention is essential, as there is currently no widely available vaccine for dengue.

San Miguel Times

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